ទីងមោង ( Scared-growth )

ជាធម្មតានៅតាមទីជនបទស្រុកស្រែចំការយេីងតែងតែប្រទះឃេីញរូបទីងមោងតាំងនៅមុខផ្ទះរបស់ពួកគេព្រោះពួកគេមានជំនឿថារូបទីងមោងនេះនឹងជួយការពារពួកគេអោយរួចផុតពីពពួក បីសាច ឬព្រលឹងអាក្រក់ៗដែលចង់មកយាយីអ្នកភូមិឬគ្រួសាររបស់ពួកគេ។ នៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជាយេីងបែងចែកជាពីររដូវគឺរដូវប្រាំងនិងរដូវវស្សា ដែលរដូវប្រាំងចាប់ផ្តេីមពីខែវិច្ចិកាដល់ខែមេសា ហេីយរដូវវស្សាចាប់ពីខែឧសភាដល់ខែតុលា។ ជាធម្មតាពេលរដូវប្រាំងមកដល់មិនមានភ្លៀងធ្លាក់ច្រេីនទៀតទេជាពិសេសចាប់ពីខែធ្នូរទៅគឺពុំមានភ្លៀងឡេីយលេីកលែងតែភ្លៀងកក់ខែមួយឬពីរដងក្នុងរយះពេល៦ខែនេះអញ្ចឹងហើយបានជាផែនដីក្តៅហួតហែងរង់ចាំរដូវវស្សាមកដល់។ នៅពេលរដូវវស្សាមកដល់ចាំពីខែឧសភាគឺមានភ្លៀងធ្លាក់តិចតួចដែលបណ្តាយអោយភពផែនដីក្តៅលេីសដេីមដែលជាហេតុនាំអោយសត្វចិញ្ចឹមរបស់ពួកគេមានសត្វមាន់ ទា ជាពិសេសក្មេងៗតូចៗធ្លាក់ខ្លួនឈឺខ្លះរហូតដល់ស្លាប់ដូចច្នេះហេីយទេីបពួកគេយល់ថាពេលរដូវវស្សាមកដល់ក៏មានពួកបីសាចមកយាយីយកជីវិតពួកគេជាពិសេសគឺក្មេងតូចៗ អញ្ចឹងហេីយបានជាពួកគេយកទីងមោងមកដាក់បញ្ឈរមុខផ្ទះដើម្បីអោយជួយការពារនិងបណ្តេញពួកបីសាចទាំងនោះ។ មូលហេតុនេះហើយទើបបានជាយេីងតែងឃេីញរូបទីងមោងមុខផ្ទះរបស់ពួកគេតែយេីងឃេីញភាគច្រេីនគឺនៅតាមទីជនបទនិងស្រុកស្រែចម្ការប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

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Tala Tong ( Mechanical Buffalo )

In Cambodia we still use a lot of traditional ways of life in Countryside such as xo card or buffaloes card to transport their rices from field to their homes BUT some families are using Tala Tong ( local people called it Machine cows ) for helping their farming. When you travel through Cambodia you…

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Cows in Cambodia

Cow and Baby cow Cambodia is an agriculture country so cows and water buffaloes are the most important animals for helping their farms. You often saw cows very skinny and wondering why ??? So here is the answer cows in Cambodia are skinny because they are working cows, mean they are the most important to…

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Rice Hay Stack

In Cambodia when you drive along the countryside you often see a little rice hay stacks behind or beside farmer houses. This rice hay is used to feed cows and water buffaloes during the rainy season. Paradoxically the rainy season in Cambodia makes it harder for some farm animals to find food. For 6 months…

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Water buffaloes

Cambodia is an agriculture country so there are many types of different farmer use different ways to plow the land for their farming so some people use engine, some people use ox and some people use water buffaloes to plow their land to do their rice cultivation.

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Cambodian breakfast

Cambodian people love to eat Chinese noodles or Cambodian noodles for their breakfast but still have a lot of Cambodian people prefer to eat rice with fried porks, or fried chicken because eating rice could stay full last longer than noodles and those people mostly farmers who work very hard in rice fields.

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Children selling souvenirs around Temples

When you visiting temple in Angkor area you will see a lot of children who carry their baskets and selling souvenirs to you especially Angkor Wat and Ta phrom temples. Those kids are born in the village surrounding the temples so they are selling things for tourists to help financial their families. Most of them…

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Cambodian Smoke fish

Cambodia we have one traditional foods made from fish we called ” Smoke fish ” smoke fish usually made from the fishermen family who live along Tonle Sap lake or along Mekong river. Smoke fish is famous to all Cambodian people because we can keep to eat for the whole year around and it sold…

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Cambodia Tourism

When you talk about Cambodia, everyone will knew about Angkor Wat temple. Cambodia is very rich culture with a lot of ancient temples , Cambodia has 3,000-4,000 ancient temples. There are 2,000 been rediscovered in 2005. In the among of them the most beautiful temples are in Siem Reap Province. The most beautiful temples are…

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Cambodian people background

There are 3 major nations living in Cambodia for many years. They are Cambodian chinese, Cambodian Muslim and typical Cambodian people and those people make a living from different jobs – Cambodian chinese ( they are traders, selling things and businesses… ) – Cambodian Muslim ( they are fishermen and they mostly live along the…

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