Kompong Kleang floating & Flooded village

Kompong Kleang located at southeast of Siem Reap city around 60km we can get there through national road number 6 and it take about an hours drive.
Kompong Kleang is the best village to visit if you compare to other floating village in Siem Reap such as Chong Khneas or Machrey because you could see both floating & flooded village in one places. The first start you will see the flooded village that people built their house on pole around 7-12 meters high and when you drive through the village you can enjoy to see people who drive their boat from fishing , students paddle their boats to school, seeing crocodiles farm, fish farm on the cages next to their houses , seeing women drive their boat selling vegetables, coffee cool drink to villager.
After you finished the flooded the boats men will drive you out to see another village located on the Tonle Sap lake floating village called ( Chong Prolay ) we will see many houses that people make of bamboo and wooden house which is float on the Tonle Sap then the final trip the boat men will stop you at the open lake Tonle Sap let you enjoy the peaceful life and nature on the Great Lake Tonle Sap before they drive you back to the car park.
People there could survive everyday life by the fishing and farming fish near to their houses and fishing in Tonle Sap.
Q. How to get to this village ?
A. People can get to this village by Car, Tuk Tuk , Van and busses.
Q. How long does the trip take ?
A. The whole trip take around 5 hours in total trip.
Q. Do have another other places which is interesting to combine with this trip ?
A. Yes you can combine with Beng Mealea or Rolous group combine with Kompong Kleang in one day.
Q. How do people get wooden & Bsmboo to built their house ?
A. People can get wooden from Siem Reap city or Preah Vihear province and Bamboo they can buy from people near to Kompong Kleang village.
Q. How Kompong Kleang villagers survived ?
A. People in Kompong Kleang survived by fishing from the Great Lake and make fish farming.
Q. Do the young people leave from their village to find better opportunities ?
A. Yes some of them try to move to city to find their life opportunities BUT most of the people stay their and adapted their parents job to keep the generation there.