Posts by Panha Ngoun
Cambodia Demographics
Q/ What is Cambodian life expectancy ? A/ According to the CIA factbook Cambodia life expectancy is from round 63 – 71 for Men and women 68 ), which is a big improvement on 16 for Men 1977! CIA factbook for Cambodian People Q/ What is the population in Cambodia ? A/ The population is…
Read MoreBat Cave Battambang province ( Phnom Sampeou )
Phnom Sampeou is located western of Battambang province
Read MorePrasad Pram ( Koh Ker Group )
Prasad Pram mean ( five temples ) located in Preah Vihear province around 120km from Siem Reap city and about 3 km from Prasad Thom ( Koh Ker ). It take around 2 hours drive from Siem Reap city and it is a lovely drive with hundreds of plantation along the way such as tapioca,…
Read MoreWest gate of Angkor Thom
West gate located around 1.5 km from central Bayon. Cambodian people called it ( Ta Kau gate ). You can reach to west gate by car , Motobike or Tuk Tuk but only Motobike and Tuk Tuk can leave the gate and car is impossible to leave angkor thom since police has closed the road. …
Read MoreEast gate of Angkor Thom ( death gate )
Covering 9 km² Angkor Thom is large enough to spend a lot of time and even avoid some crowds. We like the East & West gates which get less crowds than the North, South and Victory gates even though the east gate was a scene in the 2001 Tomb Raider movie. Built in the late 12…
Read MoreCambodian rural village
Cambodia located in Southeast Asia bordered to Thailand, Loa and Vietnam covered the area of 181 035 square kilometers divided to 25 provinces and 5 cities populated 15 million people. Cambodia one of the poor country in Asia with 80 percent of the population live by agriculture rice, corn , potatoes, tapioca… etc. there are…
Read MoreKompong Phluk កំពង់ភ្លុក
Kampong Phluk is a flooded village of perhaps 700 stilted houses located around 30km from Siem Reap city, which about an hour by car to get there. During there dry season from January to March egrets (herons) migrate from Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary, 50km south west and come to Kampong Phluk to feed on the…
Read MoreKampong Kleang កំពង់ឃ្លាំង
Getting to Kompong Kleang which is 45km from Siem Reap is a little more expensive than the nearby circus otherwise known as Chong Khneas, but in contrast to that grubby hassle, Kampong Kleang is a very nice village full of local village houses and a school which I think you will enjoy. In fact it is rating…
Read MoreFloating village of Mechrey
To get to this floating village it takes around 30 minutes by car from Siem Reap city. Along the way we can see Cambodian villages, duck farms, rice fields and the local people going about their daily activities. As you travel around Tonle Sap Lake by boat you will see the local people living in…
Read MoreKulen Mountain
Kulen mountain is one of the most popular mountain destinations for both local and foreigner tourists. Located within Siem Reap province, around 70km from the city or 40km from Angkor Area, it usually takes us around one hour’s to drive to get there. The drive is especially interesting as we can see local villages with stilt houses (…
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