Taxi Booking Request Taxi Bookings we will confirm your booking as soon as possible. from taxi price list*initial selection from taxi price listSiem Reap ↔ Phnom Penh $85 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Sihanoukville $165 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Kampot $150 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Kep $150 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Mondulkiri $220 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Battambang $75 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Bavet $145 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Chhlong, Kratie: $175 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Poipet:$50 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Ratanakiri: $220 Lexus SUVPhnom Penh ↔ Siem Reap $85 Lexus SUVPhnom Penh ↔ Battambang $100 Lexus SUVPhnom Penh ↔ Kep $90 Lexus SUVPhnom Penh ↔ Koh Kong $120 Lexus SUVPhnom Penh ↔ Mondulkiri $190 Lexus SUVPhnom Penh ↔ Kroches (Kratie) $140 Lexus SUVPhnom Penh ↔ Kampot $90 Lexus SUVSiem Reap ↔ Phnom Penh $125 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Sihanoukville $220 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Kampot $210 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Kep $210 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Mondulkiri $245 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Battambang $110 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Bavet $210 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Chhlong, Kratie: $210 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Poipet:$110 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Ratanakiri: $240 Toyota AlphardPhnom Penh ↔ Siem Reap $125 Toyota AlphardPhnom Penh ↔ Battambang $190$ Toyota AlphardPhnom Penh ↔ Kep $125Toyota AlphardPhnom Penh ↔ Koh Kong $190 Toyota AlphardPhnom Penh ↔ Mondulkiri $230 Toyota AlphardPhnom Penh ↔ Kroches (Kratie) $180 Toyota AlphardPhnom Penh ↔ Kampot $125 Toyota AlphardSiem Reap ↔ Phnom Penh $115 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Sihanoukville $190 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Kampot $175 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Kep $175 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Mondulkiri $225 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Battambang $95 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Bavet $170 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Chhlong, Kratie: $205 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Poipet:$80 StarexSiem Reap ↔ Ratanakiri: $230 StarexPhnom Penh ↔ Siem Reap $115 StarexPhnom Penh ↔ Battambang $180$ StarexPhnom Penh ↔ Kep $115 StarexPhnom Penh ↔ Koh Kong $155 StarexPhnom Penh ↔ Mondulkiri $225 StarexPhnom Penh ↔ Kroches (Kratie) $160 StarexPhnom Penh ↔ Kampot $115 StarexNew Airport ↔ Siem Reap $60 StarexNew Airport ↔ Siem Reap $55 AlphardNew Airport ↔ Siem Reap $35 SedanNew Airport ↔ Siem Reap $40 LexusSiem Reap ↔ New Airport $60 StarexSiem Reap ↔ New Airport $55 AlphardSiem Reap ↔ New Airport $35 SedanSiem Reap ↔ New Airport $40 LexusName* First Last PickupLocation / HotelDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM AirportArrival DateThe date you want Angkor Cab to come and get you MM slash DD slash YYYY Arrival Time (24 hour format) : 18 30 for 6:30 PM use 18:30flight numberif applicableContactPlease choose one...* email phone facetime skype whatsapp facebook messenger facebook line linkedin wechat other Your Contact Detailsemailyour Email address* Enter Email Confirm Email phoneLocation Cambodia Phone*International Phone*Social Media Preferenceyour skype ID*your apple id or phone no.*your LINE number*your LinkedIN id*your whatsapp number*your facebook messenger ID*your facebook ID*Contact TimePreferred DateLet us know a good day and time to call MM slash DD slash YYYY Time (24 hour format)e.g. for 6:30 PM use 18:30 Let us know a good time to call : 18 30 your wechat ID*Optional DetailsJust n case you want to add a messageSomewhere else we can help with ?Tell us as much or as little as you like.. More than 8 PassengersYou have more than 8 passengers, which is great ! ... but we will need to discuss appropriate vehicle/s with you. please send your request.Number of PeopleHow many people do you have in your group ? If the number is more than the normal capacity of your requested vehicle, we will get back to you with an appropriate price for a larger vehicle.Please enter a number from 1 to 25.