Floating Village & Bird Sanctuary Angkor Cab will contact you to confirm your request, please use this form to save some typing.. or use the freeform box below Floating Village Sedan*Sedan up to 4 passengers Minivan up to 8 passengers ~ 8 people ? no problem let us know how many and we will give you a price.Kampong Mechrey Sedan $30Kampong Mechrey Minivan $35Kampong Phluk Sedan $35Kampong Phluk Minivan $40Kampong Kleang Sedan $40Kampong Kleang Minivan $50Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary SedanPrek Toal Bird Sanctuary minivanChong Kneas - not recommendedEntrance Fee - not includedThe Village charges $20 per person entrance fee Entrance Fee of $50 per person not includedThis Bird Sanctuary charges $50 per person Please choose one...* email phone skype other Name* First Last emailyour Email address* Enter Email Confirm Email phoneLocation Cambodia Phone*Phone*Preferred DateLet us know a good day to call MM slash DD slash YYYY TimeLet us know a good time to call : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM skypeyour skype ID*Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM otherDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Other*Please tell us how we can contact you.Optional Booking DetailsIf you have more details please let us know or just hit the SEND REQUEST button belowTravel DateWhat is the day you would like to reserve us YYYY dot MM dot DD Number of PeopleHow many people do you have ?Please enter a number from 1 to 25.Add Licensed Temple GuideWould you like a licensed temple guide to accompany you around for around USD $35 to $45 a day No Yes Somewhere else we can help with ?Combining more than one destination can save you time and money, please add any places you wish to go and we will send you a quote.