Prasad Pram ( Koh Ker Group )

Prasad Pram mean ( five temples ) located in Preah Vihear province around 120km from Siem Reap city and about 3 km from Prasad Thom ( Koh Ker ). It take around 2 hours drive from Siem Reap city and it is a lovely drive with hundreds of plantation along the way such as tapioca, pepper , cashews nuts, mango, papayas, banana …etc , get to see real Cambodian local life who live around countryside.
Prasad Pram was build by the king Jayavarman IV and Harshavarman II in the year 925-944AD. Temple itself overgrown by the jungle almost 90% of the temple, Prasad Pram built by bricks and sandstone mostly bricks but at door frame it made of sandstone. This temple is best for all customers who looking for off beaten track because most of the time there are no tourists so you can enjoy your private time without annoying from other visitors.
Q. How to get to Prasad Pram ?
A. We can get to Prasad Pram by car , mini van and buses.
Q. Is there any beautiful place near to combine with this trip ?
A. Yes you can combine with Prasad Thom and Beng Mealea because they are the same way.
Q. Is there any restaurant there ?
A. Yes there are some restaurant near Prasad Pram or we can eat and Beng Mealea temple.
Q. Why should we go Prasad Pram ?
A. The reason why we should go to see Prasad Pram because it is unique with tree overgrown, visit temples without tourists and seeing olds bricks temples.